
How to troubleshoot common printer problems

Printers are one of the most frustrating computer hardware to fix. They will often display an error message that tells you little about how to solve the issue. But by being aware of some of the most common printer problems and how to troubleshoot them, you can fix the issues and stay productive. Paper jams […]

Why you should consider softphones over desk phones

Desk phones that sit in the office are quickly becoming obsolete as many employees work off-site. Instead of traditional telephony systems, forward-thinking businesses are using softphones for most, if not all, of their communications. If your company hasn’t already done so, here are five compelling reasons why you need to start using softphones. Anytime, anywhere […]

Office 365 is now Microsoft 365: New features, same price

Microsoft recently launched its new slate of consumer service plans: Microsoft 365 (M365) Personal and Family. This will replace Office 365 (O365) Home and Personal, signaling the shift of the company’s consumer bundles from just a set of tools to powerful solutions that help you manage both work and life. But Microsoft isn’t simply rebranding […]

COVID-19 and the cloud: Staying connected while apart

The term “viral” has taken its original meaning, thanks to the novel coronavirus infecting millions and killing thousands of people all over the world. As it rages on, we can see how cloud computing is helping us push through these trying times. Cloud computing helps buoy economies For many people, being forced to stay at […]

Be careful of April’s Windows 10 update

Microsoft’s operating system is one of the best on the market, but it does have flaws. Software updates have been a regular problem for Windows 10 and the April 2020 update is a little worse than usual. Here’s what you should know to minimize possible disruptions. What are the issues? The April Windows 10 update […]

Here’s what to look for when buying antivirus software

Because of the global pandemic, work from home is now a necessity. This has increased the potential entry points for cybercriminals to infiltrate your network. Now more than ever, businesses need better cybersecurity protection. That’s why it’s important to choose the right antivirus software for your needs. If you’re in the market for one, consider […]

MacBook’s new feature promises longer battery life

Keeping your MacBook plugged in at all times shortens its battery life. A new feature, called Battery Health Management, will be released with the new macOS Catalina 10.15.5 update specifically to address this issue. It maintains your MacBook’s battery life by preventing chemical aging on its battery. It does this by not charging your device […]

Best laptops for remote working in 2020

If you recently started working from home, you must have realized that it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. Apart from setting up your home office and managing your time efficiently, a slow and outdated laptop should be the least of your worries. If you’re thinking of buying a new one, here’s […]

How to know if your VoIP system is being hacked

Most businesses today have made the switch from the traditional landline telephone system to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. This is because VoIP offers more benefits including cost reduction, mobility, and scalability. But just like any device that’s connected to the internet, VoIP phones can be targeted by hackers who want to steal […]